
“Sienna is a bright spot in my day. Her infectious smile can change the mood of an entire room,” said Kelsey McDonald, PT, DPT.

After meeting Sienna, it is easy to understand why. Sienna was diagnosed with Turner Syndrome and a paralyzed vocal cord, which has led to delays in age appropriate milestones. While many would be discouraged by this diagnosis, her family’s positive attitude has not wavered.

Our therapists began seeing Sienna in our Motor Mouths program. Motor Mouths is a four-week program that focuses on feeding, speech and language development in infants. After completing this course, Sienna transitioned into the Physical and Speech therapy programs. As she began working on new skills, her infectious smile continued to captivate the hearts of staff, volunteers, and anyone she came into contact with.

During her time at MCRC, Sienna has begun sitting up, crawling, signing, talking, and even recently walking! Her therapists are thrilled to see her progress and even shared how rewarding it is to see what she accomplishes week after week. Her speech therapist, Julianna Wright, noted that this is mainly because her parents never miss a session and that they are her biggest advocates. With a strong support system at home and at the center, we are eager to see how Sienna continues to progress!